Southern New Hampshire University (snhu) GPA Calculator

This is a Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cummulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) calculator for Southern New Hampshire University.
To calculate your GPA, enter the Credit and select the Grade for each course/subject.
To calculate your CPGA, enter your current CGPA and Credits Completed prior to this semester.

Course (optional) Credits * Grade *
Semester Credits:
Total Credits:

Southern New Hampshire University (snhu) Grading Scheme

Marks Grade Quality Points
93 - 100 A 4.00
90 - 92 A- 3.67
87 - 89 B+ 3.33
83 - 86 B 3.00
80 - 82 B- 2.67
77 - 79 C+ 2.33
73 - 76 C 2.00
70 - 72 C- 1.67
67 - 69 D+ 1.33
60 - 66 D 1.00
0 - 59 F 0.00
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