Percentage to CGPA calculator

Percentage to CGPA calculator

How to convert Percentage to CGPA?

Different universities and countries may use slightly different formulas for percentage to CGPA conversion. Generally speaking, the formula is
CGPA = ( Your Percentage / 100 ) * Grading Scale

However, it is common in certain regions, especially India, to have different formulas for conversion on the 10.0 grading scale.
Here are a list of common Percentage to CGPA conversion forumlas:

Grading Scale Formula
4.0 Grading Scale CGPA = (percentage / 100) * 4.0
5.0 Grading Scale CGPA = (percentage / 100) * 5.0
7.0 Grading Scale CGPA = (percentage / 100) * 7.0
10.0 Grading Scale (Standard) CGPA = (percentage / 100) * 10.0
10.0 Grading Scale (CBSE) CGPA = percentage / 9.5
10.0 Grading Scale (-0.5) CGPA = (percentage / 10) + 0.5
10.0 Grading Scale (-0.75) CGPA = (percentage / 10) + 0.75

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