TARUMT CGPA Calculator (Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology)

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This is a GPA (Grade Point Average) and CGPA (Cummulative Grade Point Average) calculator for Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology.
To calculate your GPA, enter the Credit and select the Grade for each course/subject.
To calculate your CPGA, enter your current CGPA and Credits Completed prior to this semester.

Course (optional) Credits * Grade *
Semester Credits:
Total Credits:

TARUMT Grading Scheme (Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology)

Marks Grade Quality Points
80 - 100 A 4.00
75 - 79 A- 3.75
70 - 74 B+ 3.50
65 - 69 B 3.00
60 - 64 B- 2.75
55 - 59 C+ 2.50
50 - 54 C 2.00
0 - 49 F 0.00
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